Greenhouse Ramblings in October

Brr, what a chilly day outside today. Thank goodness for the warmth of the greenhouse ;)

Candles melting out on the deck in mid-October

Autumn weather came to the island with a bang this year... over night, we went from mid 20's C with candles melting on the deck ... to rainy and only 10 C!

Brr! Seems so cold as it changed so quickly.

Inside The Greenhouse ...

The greenhouse at this time of year is used to house the cleaned up annuals, half hardy and hardy herbs, new cuttings, and seedlings ...

It does not go into real production mode until after Christmas. That is when I haul in all the tables again, the heating cables for seeding, lighting, etc...

Till then, the greenhouse is mostly just a lovely place to linger amongst the scent of summer .....

Geraniums are re-potted and tidied up for fall... cuttings have been taken of the favourites... I do love geraniums.


The Rosemary has also been re-potted and cuttings taken for new babies next year.

The year old topiary is looking amazing, I am currently trying to decide if I want to cut it back to thicken it up or keep it with longer arching branches...

I start one or two new topiaries every year, this years newbie is on the right hand side of the potting bench, coming along so well!

In the larger pots, on the ground, are the new acquisitions, the tropical fruit trees.
A lemon, a lime, and a mandarin orange tree!
The lime has amazing foliage, when you rub the leaves you get the glorious scent of lime!

Glads have been lifted, dried and will be stored in the greenhouse through the winter ...

Dahlias were just lifted, so need to dry out a bit before I put them into storage...

Blue Jarrahdale pumpkins, a New Zealand heirloom, is curing in the greenhouse.

Outside In The Nursery Courtyard... 

The ever bearing strawberries are still flowering and fruiting amongst the edible Dianthus and Hot Cocoa floribunda roses... 
The strawberries fruit in spring for about 2 months and then again in fall.... still going strong and sweet as can be :)

The hoop house is all cleaned up to over winter perennials, fruits, and roses.

This Tree Form Weeping Rose (Scarlet Flower Carpet) is still blooming at the end of October!

It has bloomed continuously since June with no dead-heading whatsoever.
Seriously! 5 months of blooms and no maintenance! Holy doodle!

Still blooming like mad earlier in the month....

The nursery beds have been topped up with more garden soil as the level sunk a bit this summer.
Dahlias have been lifted, perennials cut back, and bed weeded.
The roses I do not touch at this time of year, except to take out the 3 D's - dead, damaged, or diseased.
I also remove any branches that are really hanging low with blooms or foliage as the heavy rains and/or snow may pull down those branches, perhaps damaging them or even ripping them off of the main stem.

As the foliage dies back I will be placing these guys into the hoop house to over winter...
Much transplanting is in the works right now, too.

Look at those crazy fuchsia baskets, eh?

Bacopa, blue and white, still blooming crazy in the greenhouse!  



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