Growing Peppers from Seeds

Here we are half way through the month of January... and my thoughts are already in far away August!

 Heirloom Italian bullshorn peppers

Why August? Well, January is prep time for sowing the fabulous pepper seeds that I just got in and August happens to be harvest time! 

Therefore, my thoughts drift to summer and what to do with all that bounty ... Pickled peppers, hot sauce, cowboy candy, chopped and frozen, dried and ground, my head is fairly spinning with ideas. 

Dried super hot peppers

Last year we de-hydrated a whole lot of peppers. They ranged from sweet and mild Alma Paprika peppers to super duper, stinkin' hot Bhut Jolokia aka Ghost Peppers.. and everything in between! We ground our own paprika, made our own pepper flakes, and ate loads of pepper filled salads, salsas, wraps and more.

Growing colourful, gorgeous, organic, heirloom hot peppers.

I have a love affair with growing edibles, just cannot help it! My heart tends to go pitter patter a wee bit faster whenever I see my plants producing food. 

Peppers just happen to be especially exciting to grow. Partially because they are so pretty, colourful jewels on compact dark green plants, but mostly because they can be tricky, a bit finicky to start and grow successfully. So when you have an abundant crop of peppers, you feel a tad special, proud even.

I can help you have this feeling! Show you how to sow and grow peppers for a very successful harvest. This years pepper and eggplant seeding workshop is just around the corner, just a few short weeks away.

 Growing happy, healthy, organic peppers.. 

To learn all the tips and tricks to growing great peppers (and eggplants), join me at the workshop on February 13th and become a pepper growing pro! See my website HERE for more information about this workshop, and many more.

Super cute little fingerling eggplants

Join me for some great growing! 


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