Early November Potager Palaver

Mountain Ash aka Rowan berries. 

Oh my word! This weather though! A great day for hibernating, watching YouTube, holiday movies, or cuddling up with a good book and a cup of tea. I am not much of a holiday movie watcher, must admit, but give me a good book by the woodstove though, just perfect on a gloomy rain day. 

While I read, blog, putter, and watch gardening videos, hubby is tackling the latest renovation.  

Our plan, when we moved to this house 8 years ago was to tackle one or two big projects annually. Big, meaning labour intensive and/or fairly costly. Until now, those projects have all been outside in the yard or something for the nursery business. Finally, finally, we have started inside the house. Just took us 8 years to do so ; ) 

When we first moved to this house, we had it gutted it and renovated almost right away. We had Dogwood Mountain Homes reno the entire inside of the house... except the two bigger bathrooms. We figured we would do them ourselves later down the road. Murray and the guys at Dogwood were exceptional, by the way. Highly recommended.  

Well, later down the road finally came this summer, 8 whole years later, hah! Hubby finished renovating the main/guest bathroom last month and is now demolishing the ensuite. This bathroom has never been very functional, was poorly laid out, and super dated. I am so looking forward to the new huge shower going in. 

My  flower lawn in November

Garden related  (aka what you really come here for ; ) 

This weather is keeping me indoors a lot this week, not liking this cold, rainy weather, am hoping for a few days of nice sunshine sometime this month so I can head out to gather branches, twigs, berries, and flowers from the yard. Anything that would look good made into a wreath. 

Love this natural wreath. Check out the amazing wreaths on Instagram @blomkjeenwenje 

I am on a wreath making kick. Well, actually it is more like an 'I want to be making wreaths as soon as the weather smartens up so that I can go out to gather' kick. Here are some of the ones I want to make.... they are not traditional holiday wreaths, but rather all-season wreaths for either indoors or outdoors. 

As soon as I can get out to gather the makings, here are the ones on my list, plus that gorgeous one above in the picture, of course. 

This bird's nest wreath is tops on my list to make. 

I also want to make some of these rosemary wreaths, or maybe this one, for inside the house. 

This wreath is so beautiful, I really, really want to make it... but might be too late to harvest those silvery goods. Will maybe switch them out with eucalyptus and lavender, some herbs and greens that I am still able to harvest from the yard and garden. The backside of the fir branches are kind of silvery, so they will work nicely, too. 

There are some lovely wreaths and ideas in this rustic cottage Christmas tour, as well. I love me a good rustic or farmhouse vibe : ) 

Alternative lawn from Dave's Garden. 

Here are some other things that I have found that interest me this week... 

This woven compost bin on Facebook

Read all about making a healthy, happy Fruit Tree Guild. 

These gorgeous grass alternatives.  I absolutely love my flower lawn, it is still abloom today despite the frosts and the heavy rains. In fact, just gets better and better looking, even at this time of year!

How to use Comfrey in your organic garden. 

Starting a new bed this fall or in spring? Wanting to improve your beds organically for next year? Check out these ideas. 

This cold frame from Gardenista.com

And finally... these tips for your greenhouse.... 

Some ideas for how to keep your greenhouse warm

Don't have a greenhouse? A cold frame is worth it's weight in gold! 

Stay warm and dry, have a hygge day! ~Tanja 


  1. Thank you for setting up my Sunday rainy day reading list!

    1. Hope you enjoyed your rainy day reading, thank you so much for following. Hope you are dreaming about wreath making : )


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