Potage Palaver - First Chat of the New Year

January is when I usually write a garden trends post, with predictions on what is 'hot' or 'in' when it comes to the yard and garden in the year ahead. I always enjoy writing this post as it gets the creative juices flowing, gives me ideas that I can start planning now and work on implementing throughout the year. 

The potager a few years back. 

However, this week, just as I was thinking about getting started on it, I had a couple of articles with tons of garden trends and resolutions land in my inbox, so decided to share those instead. 

I love all of the ideas in this article, especially #10. See how many of these fun, easy, and practical 'resolutions' you can adopt in your garden this year.     

This gardening trends article is jam-packed with so many great ideas, I love them all. We talk about #6 at many of my workshops and always on the blog, as is so important for a thriving, healthy, happy yard and garden. 

And... holy doodle, is #4 every pertinent to today's times! Top of mind this year, for sure. The ideas in #8 are things I work at each year.   

Check out this one simple idea from the trends article, about connecting with your garden through the seasons...

Pick one shrub or tree in your garden to observe and even photograph regularly. Your attention will put you more in tune with your plants needs' ..... I love this idea. I have been trying to remember to do this in my potager for the past two years but always forget somewhere along the season. I should set a reminder to self to take one photo from the exact same position a couple times a month. 

Last but not least, here is just one more garden resolutions article. It sounds big and long as they offere you 35 ideas but is all in short, point form, so not over-whelming at all. 

This cute pic is from Country Living magazine. 

This will apply to many of you.... Have a deer problem? Here is a great article about deer proofing your garden. 

Oh, and this is something that I just found and am poking through. Have not yet checked them out but I see a ton of great, free, how-to gardening workshop videos. Livestreams - Lee Valley Tools

That is all I have to share with you all this week, a whole lot of really great ideas! If something in those articles peaks your interest and has you wishing there was a workshop about that thing, whatever that thing may be ... just let me know and there can be ; ) 

Here is an idea that I have pinned to incorporate into my own garden. 
I already have a lovely, large clay pot (with no bottom) that I usually just plunk at the end of one of the raised beds... this year, going to incorporate it into my garden instead... somewhere. 

Look forward to hearing from you all,
 and seeing you real soon ~ Tanja 


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