May Long Weekend Potager Palaver

Happy Victoria Day weekend! Traditionally, all across Canada, this is the big gardening weekend. Heat lovers like tomatoes, corn, beans go in the ground. 

This year, I wasn't so sure what was going to happen. Spring has been unusually long, with cool, grey, wet weather. However, the sun came out to play and the weather is great for planting and sowing! 

Our homestead, our wonderful wee little urban farm, is up for sale, so I am planting very little this year. Tomatoes are a must though, some cucumbers in pots in the greenhouse, plus a bit of flowers, basil, and peppers. I think that about sums it up as I certainly do not want to over-whelm the new owners when they take over. Who knows what wonderful plans they will have for the acreage. Exciting yet very anxious time when one puts their dream up for sale. 

Here are the links that caught my eye this week, a little of this and a little of that. Hoping you are all having a wonderful weekend in the sunshine.  

Wondering what to grow from seed and what from starters? Read how Dawn decides which route to take.   Plants or Seeds in A Raised Bed Vegetable Garden - CREATIVE CAIN CABIN

This one about growing veggies in raised beds! 7 Tips to Ensure Success With Raised Bed Gardening (

Here on the island, we face drought and water shortages each summer. Read Five Reasons Why You Need to Harvest Rain Water (Especially if You Live on the Sunshine Coast) | Modern Hippie Health & Wellness Inc. ( for some water saving tips. 

Check out this super cute summer glasshouse Une petite maison dans le jardin (

Are you dreaming about your own greenhouse? Wondering where to start and how to choose the materials? Here is an article for you with all the tips... How to design the perfect greenhouse for blissful indoor gardening - Azure Farm (

Here is an article that I wrote about what to think of when buying or building your dream greenhouse.. Buying Your Dream Greenhouse (

This podcast is an excellent read (or listen, if you prefer) about mulch. Everything you need to know.. how deep to go, what kinds to use, about mulch volcanoes, nitrogen in the soil. Great, great information! how mulch works (and how to use it), with bill fonteno - A Way To Garden

The potager in mid July last year. 

Wishing you all a really wonderful long week-end ~ Tanja 


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